Released On 4th May 2021
Lambeth Council publish latest report on Redress Scheme
The Latest Report from Lambeth Council confirms that Robsonshaw solicitors easily achieve the highest average Individual Redress Payments (IRP) per applicant at over £88,000. The next highest average payout is over £10,000 less at £77,661. The average IRP payment, according to the latest published figures, is just over £56,000.
The link to the report is
A total of £57.9 million has already been paid by Lambeth Council to successful Applicants. The Scheme is due to run until 1st January 2022 and has already received 1762 applications. The successful Scheme has enabled former residents of Lambeth run childrens homes to gain compensation, together with other forms of redress including letters of apology and a meeting with a senior representative of the council. The latest report sets out the comparative performance of each firm of solicitors.
At Robsonshaw each Lambeth Applicant works exclusively with an experienced partner. If you are thinking of instructing a solicitor to help you with your application under the Lambeth Redress Scheme, Robsonshaw guarantee you will receive 100% of your compensation with no deductions. Please contact us by calling 01392 345333 and speak to either Samantha Robson or Robert Shaw, or email us on or