Released On 1st Dec 2014
Dr Myles Bradbury sentenced today
Addenbrooke’s hospital cancer doctor has today been sentenced to 22 years imprisonment at Cambridge Crown Court. The sentence must be a welcome result for his numerous young victims who were being treated by him for serious illnesses such as leukaemia and haemophilia.
The parents and families of Bradbury’s victims must be relieved this predatory and persistent paedophile is now behind bars. But perhaps the saddest news is the fact that some of his victims have since died and will never learn that Bradbury has now been held account for his crimes. It is hard to imagine how bereaved families, who placed their trust in his care of their sick children, can be feeling.
It is also shocking to learn the extent to which Bradbury appeared to manipulate those around him and conceal his abuse from his work colleagues. Even his wife and the mother of his young daughter is said to have been unaware of his predilection. But then where do paedophiles in Britain turn? There appears to be a complete lack of treatment for these individuals and no means to encourage them come forward and gain help, assuming they even want to stop offending. It seems to be a vicious circle and unless paedophiles are caught and imprisoned, the problem continues, largely undetected.
Whilst I have every sympathy for the families affected and we are here to help child abuse victims, it is also of great concern that we do not seem to be able to address the root cause and halt the process.
However, one lesson to be learned is the fact that the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) appear to have been slow to pass on fundamental information about Bradbury’s activities to the police. Bradbury bought a DVD in 2005 from Azov Films in Cananda who were producing films purchased by paedophiles worldwide. Canadian police investigated and dispatched the names of Azov’s customers to authorities in the relevant countries. In July 2012 CEOP was handed a list of some 2,235 names of UK individuals suspected of being involved with child pornography. Dr Bradbury’s was name was on this list. It was not until the National Crime Agency took over CEOP September 2013 that this information was passed to Suffolk police. This delay has sparked an investigation by the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC).
At least the families involved in this case can gain some satisfaction from knowing Bradbury can no longer hurt any more children, although perhaps if CEOP had acted promptly, Bradbury would have been caught sooner, possibly saving children from the harrowing effects of childhood sexual abuse. If you or a family member would like advice on a potential claim involving sexual abuse, please contact us on a free, confidential, no obligation basis at