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Released On 29th Apr 2015

Cambridge Addenbrooke’s Hospital admits breach of duty to Dr Myles Bradbury’s victims

Robsonshaw solicitors who specialise in abuse compensation claims, are representing a number of boys who were sexually abused by Dr Myles Bradbury.  Partner, Samantha Robson, welcomes the news that Cambridge University Hospital have now confirmed that it failed to supervise Dr Bradbury’s who abused a number of young patients.  “This is really excellent news for the families involved.  The Trust’s solicitors want to ensure these cases are settled quickly and painlessly for Dr Bradbury’s victims.  This means the children will not have to endure the harrowing experience of giving evidence at court to prove their abuse.   Now that breach of duty of care has been admitted, we can focus on ensuring expert medical evidence is obtained to provide a prognosis for their recovery and to consider their psychological injuries suffered as a consequence of the abuse.”

This is very much a positive step on the part of the Trust.  Sam speaks for all of her clients in expressing their relief that their loved ones should now be properly be compensated.  They have already suffered enough at the hands of the convicted cancer doctor.  Cambridge News have covered the story.  If you or your family has been affected by the Dr Bradbury scandal, please contact us on a free, confidential no obligation basis.  Please call us on 01392 345 333 or email us on enquiries@robsonshaw.uk.



Tags: Child abuse, sexual abuse